Abstract Guidelines


Submit your abstract 

The ICT/ECT 2024 Scientific Committee are inviting you to actively participate in ICT/ECT 2024 conference in Krakow which will be a unique occasion for the exchange of views and experiences in the area of thermoelectricity (theory and modeling; physical phenomena; new materials, measurement techniques; thermoelectric devices; systems and applications). We look forward to receiving abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the program as oral or poster presentations.



Submission deadline: February 29th, 2024 

Abstract submission deadline for posters only: June 20th, 2024

The abstract submission is only possible online. Abstracts submitted by fax or mail will not be accepted. Please follow very carefully the instructions before submitting the abstract. Abstracts will be online for review by the author until the submission deadline, February 29th, 2024 (23.59 hrs CET).  Submitted abstracts will be treated as confidential and will only be shared to the Scientific Committee.



The abstract, should not exceed 3400 characters (approx. one A4 page), incl. spaces and punctuation. The abstract must be written in English and should provide a clear description of the aims, methods and results of the study. Concluding remarks and acknowledgments may be given at the end. Emphasis should be on the technical and/or scientific results of the study. Original and novel results will be preferred for oral presentation.



Important information

File format: pdf file

File name: Save your document as: SURNAME_ NAME of the presenting  author.pdf

Submission ID.pdf (e.g. KOWALSKI_JOHN.pdf)

Submission deadline: February  29th, 2024 (23.59 hrs CET)

Abstract submission deadline for posters only: June 20th, 2024



Abstracts can be submitted for one of the following topics:

  1. Theory and modelling

new theoretical concepts, electronic structure and lattice dynamics, electron-phonon – interaction, spin-dependent & specific quantum phenomena, topological insulators, charge and heat transport, effective media theory, artificial intelligence approach in materials discovery

  1. Chemistry and thermodynamics

crystal structure and chemical bonding, phase equilibria, structural and chemical defects, degradation of thermoelectric materials, chemical stability of materials, irreversible thermodynamics

  1. Bulk materials

chalcogenides, skutterudites, heuslers, tetrahedrites, silicides, borides, oxides …

  1. Nanomaterials

thin films, quantum dots, nanowires, superstructures, nanopowders, etc.

  1. New materials

polymers, metamaterials, composite and hybrid materials,  etc.

  1. Measurements

thermal conductivity, electrical properties of materials, standardization of measurement techniques, ZT-meters, etc.;

  1. Devices

flexible modules, power and Peltier modules, sensors, actuators – theory, modelling,  characterisation  of operational parameters

  1. Thermoelectric systems and applications

waste heat recovery, energy harvesting,  biomedical applications, radioisotope thermoelectric generators, thermoelectric cooling

Please note that the Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine the final topic.

Review process

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committees and therefore we strongly recommend that you ensure your abstract satisfies the following points:

  • Does the abstract capture the interest of a potential reader?
  • Is it well written in terms of language, grammar, etc.?
  • Does the title describe the subject being written about?
  • Does it make a clear statement of the topic of the paper and the research question?
  • Does it say how the research was/is being undertaken?
  • Does it give a concise summary of the findings?

Acceptance notification and publication

All abstracts received by the indicated deadline will be evaluated by the ICT/ECT 2024 Scientific Committee, based on their technical and/or scientific quality. Acceptance, together with technical details for presentation (oral or poster), will be notified only to the submitting author by June 3rd , 2024. Accepted abstracts will be published as congress materials on USB flash drive and / or  on the conference website.